Modern fabrics that can seriously harm health


not all clothing is equally harmless for our skin. What to pay attention to?

The textile industry supplies us a huge amount of different materials. There are natural, artificial and synthetic among them. Are they all tissue harmless to our skin? What to pay attention to? Strong, light fabrics of their time were in fashion around the world. Now the hype has fallen, but you can still find things from these synthetic materials. The danger of them is one. They do not breathe, do not pass or absorb moisture. From this on the skin possible spurs, irritation, a comfortable environment for the development of infections, including fungal.


Popular so far. Things are well kept in shape, easily squeezed. In this case, the material not only has all the negative characteristics inherent in synthetics, but adds its “highlight”. If monomers are found in this polymer tissue, which for one reason or another are not included in the inert polymer chain, they will start acting actively. The interaction of monomers with air and water leads to the release of toxic substances, which is by no means beneficial to the health of children and adults. Viscose is an artificial material made of cellulose. Bamboo, before becoming a fabric, was quite rigid. In order to change the structure without aggressive chemical treatment. Allergies, irritation, rash are a very likely effect of your upgrade. Such things will have to give up. And next time it is more serious to study the manufacturer's reputation. Take care of yourself!

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Author: alex

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