Mood, appearance, infertility: how iodine deficiency affects a woman's health
According to official statistics, about 4.5 million Ukrainians suffer from iodine deficiency. The real numbers can be much higher. After all, the lack of this trace element, which is extremely important for human health, is recorded in all regions of Ukraine without exception. At the same time, women experience the consequences of iodine deficiency more acutely. Disorders of the thyroid gland caused by it occur more often in them than in men. Why and how iodine deficiency affects the health and well-being of the beautiful half of humanity – read in the article.
How iodine deficiency affects a woman's health: symptoms and consequences
Women experience iodine deficiency and thyroid diseases caused by it much more acutely. For example, nodular formations in the thyroid gland are diagnosed four times more often in women. So for women of the weaker sex, providing the body with iodine is even more important than for men.
“The female part of the population suffers from diseases of the thyroid gland much more often. After all, women feel the impact of hormonal changes. A genetic predisposition also works: it is transmitted through the female line,” explains endocrinologist Nataliya Logachova.
“What is it connected with? First, the hereditary factor. Secondly, it is a woman's increased need for thyroid hormones during puberty, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding”, – supports a colleague, a top-ranking endocrinologist, Oleksandr Bogatiryov.
At the same time, iodine deficiency does not immediately lead to the appearance of serious diseases. Everything begins, it would seem, much more innocently.
1. The first symptoms: changes in well-being
“The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that it is asymptomatic for a long time. It will take 10-15 years for a visible increase in the thyroid gland to occur. And there will be no complaints at this time. That's why the first call to undergo an examination for the pathology of the thyroid gland is the very residence of a woman in the territory of Ukraine,” said Bogatyrev, stressing that the problem of iodine deficiency is very acute for our country.
The first tangible manifestations of iodine deficiency are rapid fatigue, irritability and insomnia, decreased memory and attention. This is how the body signals that it lacks hormones produced by the thyroid gland – T3 and T4. These hormones affect all body systems without exception. And the building material from which the thyroid gland produces these hormones is precisely iodine.
And ignoring these symptoms can eventually lead to much more serious problems. What exactly – depends on whether the thyroid gland produces too little T3 and T4 hormones (this is called hypothyroidism) – or, on the contrary, produces much more of them than necessary (this happens when the function of the thyroid gland is increased).
“Decreased function leads to early atherosclerosis. Elevated – to heart rhythm disturbances. Sometimes cardiologists treat arrhythmias for months – and to no avail. After all, its real cause is an excess of thyroid hormones, which we can quickly normalize in two or three weeks,” says Volodymyr Pankiv, head of the endocrine disease prevention department of the Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Center for Endocrine Surgery of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
< 2. Changes in appearance: time to go to the doctor
Iodine deficiency and thyroid disorders caused by it will also negatively affect a woman's appearance. First of all, on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. If you feel that your skin has become much drier, your nails have started to break more often, and your hair is falling out much more intensively, this may be a cry for help from your thyroid gland.
“Dry skin, brittle nails, hair loss – a bell that you should go to the doctor. These complaints are not caused by iodine deficiency, but by its consequence – a lack of thyroid hormones, hypothyroidism. He will give such symptoms. If they are there, it is necessary to consult a specialist, an endocrinologist,” emphasizes Bogatyrev.
He also emphasizes: against the background of changes in appearance and well-being, there is a risk of developing depression.
At the same time, , it will not be possible to avoid visits to the doctor. Neither expensive creams nor the best products for strengthening hair and nails will help you cope with skin and hair problems.
In addition, a violation of the function of the thyroid gland will affect a woman's weight. If the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, it will lower the metabolism – and the woman will rapidly gain weight. If there are more thyroid hormones in the body than necessary, rapid weight loss will occur. And neither diets nor exercise will in any way affect the numbers on the scales.
3. Complex consequences of disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland
Disruption of the functions of the thyroid gland entails a violation of other functions of the female body. First of all, reproductive function.
“The danger of this disease lies in the fact that the hormones of the thyroid gland affect the reproductive system of a woman. A woman can turn to a gynecologist with a complaint about infertility – primary or secondary. It is caused by the fact that the thyroid-stimulating hormone is elevated with reduced thyroid gland function. This causes anovulatory cycles that lead to infertility,” Bogatyrev explains.
At the same time, after a woman reaches the age of 45, the threat of infertility is replaced by atherosclerosis.
“After 45 years, a violation of cholesterol metabolism will lead to an atherosclerotic process. That is, before vascular damage. Or, as the people say, to their “clogging”, explains Bogatyrev.
In order to avoid all these manifestations of thyroid gland disorders, you need to take care of your thyroid in advance. Get regular check-ups with an endocrinologist. And taking into account the fact that Ukraine is included in the list of iodine-deficient countries, it is important to take care of regularly providing your body with a sufficient amount of iodine. For this, doctors recommend salting ready meals with iodized salt and enriching your diet with products with a high iodine content. These are, first of all, sea fish, especially cod and herring, krill meat, sea cabbage, lettuce, spinach.
And be sure to drink iodine and selenium preparations, which are sold in pharmacies, at least in courses. It is in such a combination that iodine will be best absorbed by the body. And selenium, which is called the trace element of youth, will also have a beneficial effect on a woman's appearance – which is so important for every representative of the fair sex.
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