Morning habits that prevent you from losing weight

A nutritionist has named the most common morning habits that prevent people who are losing weight from losing weight.

According to the nutritionist of the health center Irina Kiryukhina, the list of the most harmful habits is headed by the lack of physical activity in the morning. A person needs exercise to get in the mood for the whole day and cheer up. In addition, it helps burn fat stores.

Next comes coffee with milk. It is difficult for the body to digest this drink. So it's better to replace it with tea, you can just drink warm water with a slice of lemon.

Another important factor is pessimism. According to statistics, people who enjoy life have a better figure compared to those who get out of bed in the morning in a bad mood. The latter have more problems with excess body weight.

Healthy eating experts advise not to drink juice from a box in the morning. It is better to give preference to freshly squeezed drinks.

Another bad habit is snacking on sandwiches with sausage and cheese in the morning. Have breakfast with cheese or porridge.

– To have a good figure, you need to do exercises every morning, and eat the right food for breakfast. Then there will be no problems, – explained the nutritionist.

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Author: alex

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