Morning tea was called the most useful after a simple trick

Some look forward to their morning cup of coffee , while others prefer green tea, which also provides a boost of energy after a night's rest, but more smoothly. As for coffee, its selection is quite large: from types of beans to methods of preparation. However, the main drawback of the drink is its ability to cause discomfort in the intestines and excessive nervousness.

On the other hand, the problem with green tea is that it often fails to satisfy the taste buds. However, the situation can be corrected if you use a trick that will make the drink not only tastier, but also as useful as possible.

In particular, experts recommend adding a little fresh ginger, honey, a slice of lemon and even a little turmeric to it. For example, ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties that can have a healing effect on the entire body. In addition, they improve digestion, help with chronic indigestion and reduce the frequency of acid reflux.

A new study also showed that if you brew green tea at a temperature of 75 to 80 degrees Celsius, you can activate it the ability to lower blood pressure.

The same effect is achieved if the drink is heated to a temperature of 37 degrees. According to scientists, it's all about the protein KCNQ5, which is also called the “potassium channel protein”. It helps our cells control the amount of potassium they receive. It turns out that heating the tea opens this channel, which in turn allows the cells to release mineral ions that lower blood pressure.

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Author: alex

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