Multiple sclerosis: 5 important facts that are important to know everyone

70% of patients.Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the nerves of the brain and spinal cord. The nerves do not work as they should, which leads to bugs between the brain and the body and, ultimately, to irreversible nerve damage. According to statistics, there are almost 2.5 million patients with this disease in the world, with 70% of patients. The average age in which the disease is first manifested in is 29 years, and 80% of all patients suffer from 20 to 40 years.Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which relapses alternate with periods of remission. Often, after the first attack, the disease subsides and patients often think that everything has passed and do not consult a doctor. This is very dangerous, as it is in the early stages that you can greatly slow down the development of multiple sclerosis, but if not done, the disease will go into a progressive stage when the symptoms are constantly deteriorating.Until now, all the causes that lead to the development of the disease are not determined, then scientists are absolutely sure that family history is important. If the mother suffered from the PS, then her daughter will be especially susceptible to the disease. To date, 55 genes are identified that are either associated with or reduced risk of developing PC

Another dependence that the researcher was identified with the level of vitamin D. So if a woman did not receive enough of this vitamin during pregnancy, her baby will have a risk of multiple sclerosis in the future. By the way, this detected dependence also explains higher prevalence in regions distant from the equator.

Fact # 3: The earlier multiple sclerosis is detected, the easier it is to manage

.Multiple sclerosis is referred to as so-called invisible diseases-disorders that have been asymptomatic or have signs that are easy to take for fatigue or any other disease for a long time. Very often the first symptoms of multiple sclerosis do not notice even doctors, and when the first obvious signs appear, it may mean that the patient lives with multiple sclerosis for at least ten years, and her brain is already significantly affected.Despite the poor severity of symptoms, the first signs of multiple sclerosis can be tracked – and it is very important to do it as soon as possible. Here's what to pay attention to in the first place: fatigue, depression or increased anxiety, numbness or tingling in the legs, weakness, vision problems, loss of motility control and loss of control over the bladder. PC can also cause sexual dysfunction, in particular, to make you unable to reach an orgasm. The most earliest signs of the onset of the disease doctors call fatigue, depression and anxiety disorder, and recommend all women who notice them in their neurologist for MRI. curable neurological diseases, but only if it is detected early. There are three aspects of treatment: immunological drug therapy (which helps regulate the immune system), symptomatic drug therapy (which treats certain symptoms such as pain) and lifestyle changes. A healthy and active lifestyle is very important for improving your well -being in multiple sclerosis: regular exercise helps the brain to build new connections and strengthen the body.

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Author: alex

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