Myths about back pain that can do us more harm than good
We will reveal myths and tips that will help maintain a healthy back!
The most common pain is back pain (about 80% have suffered from it at least once). Pain treatment methods have evolved over the centuries, and myths about back pain have grown along with them. They can do us more harm than good.
This disease has a great impact on our mood, behavior and quality of life, especially if the pain becomes constant.
Maintain a straight and even posture.
This statement is not entirely true, a constantly straight back is as harmful as its strong curvature. The natural posture of the spine should be maintained: slightly curved in the cervical and lumbar regions.
Keeping the back completely straight is not as useful as we think, as it overloads the lower back and can cause constant pain.
Rest to stop the pain
If it is acute back pain, then rest helps a lot in relieving the pain, but only for a few days. After that, actions should be taken (gradually increasing) that allow you to speed up recovery. And also help prevent relapse.
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