Myths about losing weight, because of which the weight will not decrease
The fight against excess weight is always a difficult task that must be solved comprehensively. What are the best ways to lose weight quickly without diets and sports! But do they work?
There is an opinion that it is useful to reduce the amount of liquid for weight loss. Such a method is unlikely to help you lose weight, and also threatens to harm your health, nutritionists assure. The fact is that water in fairly large quantities is needed for the normal functioning of the entire body, including metabolic processes. Due to the lack of liquid, the metabolism will slow down and the weight will not decrease. In addition, you risk getting health problems, in particular, the lack of fluid provokes an increase in blood viscosity.
Adipose tissue does accumulate fluid, but the risks are higher than the effect you will get by dehydrating yourself. In addition, the effect will be short-lived – the water will return again as soon as you start consuming a normal amount of liquid.
The advice “not to eat after 18:00” makes sense only if you go to bed at 21:00. Nutritionists recommend having dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. If the break is longer, you will get hungry. Then there are two options – either have a snack, or gather your will into a fist and endure until morning. In this case, there can be not only night trips to the refrigerator, but also problems with sleep – when the body needs food, it is quite difficult to fall asleep. That is, you just need to calculate the appropriate interval to eat dinner 2-3 hours before going to sleep, and you can consider this advice working.
Dietary supplements and all kinds of teas for weight loss have two sides of the coin: among them there can really be safe means that will help in the process of losing weight and support the body. But many of them can cause serious damage. Remember, even completely natural ingredients in the composition do not mean the safety of the product. Medicinal herbs are used in a strict dosage, some of them can cause unwanted and even dangerous effects when exceeding the norm. Therefore, before using a weight loss product, be sure to study the possible risks and consult a doctor.
Another myth about losing weight says that you need to remove “literally everything” from the diet and eat only certain foods. In fact, not only for weight loss, but also for the body as a whole, a balanced diet with normal calories is important. Therefore, the key to success is proper nutrition. Nutritionists are sure that successful weight loss depends 80% on nutrition and 20% on exercise.
Strict and monodiets can be used only after consultation with a doctor. It is worth remembering that they are scarce in terms of the variety of products and will not be able to satisfy the needs of the body, so it is impossible to sit on a strict diet all the time.
The last myth that we will talk about today is about weight loss. Yes, there are cases when a person loses ten or even more kilograms in a month. But a sudden change in weight does not have a good effect on the body and stretch marks may appear. It is considered normal to lose about five kilograms per month.
The speed of weight maintenance also depends on your initial data – if you do not have a lot of excess weight, you will lose weight more slowly than the owner of larger “luggage”, all other things being equal . You should not get upset and give up – it may not be right away, but you will definitely succeed.
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