Named 16 health problems that are most relevant to women


Foreign doctors presented 16 health problems. One is a broken heart syndrome.

According to data, representatives of the beautiful sex are twice as commonly diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Women with the same indicator have to do with depression, which is caused by many reasons, including pregnancy, fluctuations in the level of female hormones during the menstrual cycle, menopause. Osteoporosis is also more common in female people, there are several explanations: the lower density of the bone associated with the sex is longer. In the same list, breast cancer is most commonly related to genetics. More than 80 different autoimmune diseases belong to women, researchers cannot find out what is the fault of this.

Strokes lead to premature death more often women, and other risk factors are: taking birth control pills, pregnancy, and the use of hormone replacement therapy. Ladies exceed the opposite sex and the number of facts of urinary incontinence, a common cause is childbearing. Urinary tract infection is directly related to female people, as the urethra is shorter than men. This facilitates the bacteria the path to the bladder. Chronic fatigue syndrome is more relevant to representatives of the beautiful sex because of both family life and labor. It can also be associated with genetics or hormonal changes. They go to the doctor ladies more often and with severe headaches. Other ailments that are most common are: irritable bowel syndrome, trichotylomania, dermatillomania, broken heart syndrome.

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Author: alex

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