Named 4 products that lead to wrinkles, swelling and acne
To improve the skin of the face, it is recommended to reduce the use of sugar, alcohol, gluten and dairy products. In large quantities, these four products can age the skin and generally worsen its condition.
According to the nutritionist, first of all, you should eat less sugar. “It turns the collagen fibers in our skin into hard clots, which leads to wrinkles and sagging skin,” said the specialist.
Alcohol has a negative effect on the body as a whole, including the skin. . He dehydrates her. When abusing alcoholic beverages, swelling often occurs and a vascular network appears on the face.
For skin health, it is also necessary to reduce the amount of bakery products and pasta in the diet. The fact is that they contain gluten. In addition to swelling in the cheeks, gluten provokes the appearance of pigment spots on the face and the development of rosacea (a disease characterized by redness, expansion of small and superficial vessels of the skin of the face, formation of papules and pustules).
Dairy products often cause acne. Many people are lactose intolerant, which leads to inflammation not only on the face. Pimples can appear on the back and in the décolleté area, the doctor clarified.
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