Named 4 types of bread used by long-lived people

You don't need to be afraid of carbohydrates, in in the diet of long-lived people, they are present in a fairly large amount, including in the form of bread.

Reduce the consumption of carbohydrates if you want to lose weight, give up pasta and say “no” to bread – these and many other statements characterize carbohydrates with dangerous side.

However, science states: this macroelement, which charges the body with energy, is directly related to longevity. In particular, scientists have found out that carbohydrates are actively consumed by the population of the so-called “blue zones” – regions where people are distinguished by a tendency to longevity (Sardinia, Okinawa, Ikaria, Nicoya; Loma Linda). It has also been found that four specific types of bread are often sought after by long-lived people.

Corn bread: The cornmeal or dried corn from which it is made is one of the best sources of fiber. , protein, vitamin A.

Whole grain bread made from rye and barley. It is rich in amino acids such as tryptophan, as well as fiber, plant proteins and antioxidants that improve heart health and contribute to longevity.

Pavash. It has a low calorie content, provides the body with protein and fiber, as well as a large amount of nutrients (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron), vitamins E , PP, B5, thiamine, riboflavin, tocopherol.

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Author: alex

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