Named 5 animals that can help defeat human illnesses


Foreign scientists have listed 5 animals, that could help defeat human diseases. According to experts, the knowledge gained will allow you to use gene editing methods such as Crispr in the long run.

As the human genetic appearance has changed, which has been at high risk of clogging of arteries. The situation is increased by increasing consumption of red meat and other products that increase the chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Recent studies have shown that the loss of a certain gene increases this likelihood compared to other animals, including chimpanzees – the closest relative of the human species.

Gene engineering will help to avoid such health problems. Naked landcopes are also interested in scientists, as they are known for their longevity. Once their secret will allow you to develop new treatments for cancer and age -related diseases, experts are confident.

Osteoarthritis has many reasons, but the key risks are obesity, improper posture and poor leveling of the joints. Many primates and carnivorous animals are similar to human joints. The unique cartilage structure in the kangaroo in the knees resists the forces of repeated bending and softens the action of landing. Explanation of the question will help to improve the materials used for artificial implants in humans.

blind cave fish is uniquely adapted to survival without regulating blood sugar. This means that the symptoms usually observed in diabetes are not a problem for Astyanax Mexicanus. Scientists hope that understanding the processes occurring in their body will allow you to victory over this ailment.

animals such as zebras usually feel stressed for a short period of time, for example, when looking for food or trying to evade predators . People, with prolonged exposure to the negative factor, are at risk of developing diseases, including gastric ulcer. A striped fauna representative will ever reveal his secret.

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Author: alex

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