Named 6 products that reduce cholesterol levels

Nutrition Rob Hobson presented the top 6 cholesterol-lowering products. According to the expert, adding them to the diet is extremely important, which helps to reduce the risk of stroke and similar problems.

cholesterol is an organic substance of fatty nature contained in the blood and human cells. Low -density lipoproteins are an unhealthy appearance, called “bad”. Over time, high levels of LDL can damage the arteries, promote the development of cardiovascular disease and increase the risk of stroke.

minimize the likelihood of these problems can be certain products, one of the options is oat flakes that are better eaten for breakfast. Useful properties in this case are explained by the high content of fiber. Products such as tofu, beans contain soy protein, directly related to the impact on the artery, which should be taken into account. Dried fruits, in turn, at the expense of content in resveratrol, which is a polyphenol antioxidant, improve heart health. The top 6 also includes low-fat yogurt, which can be added cinnamon, vanilla or lemon juice. These compounds are added to many products, including spreads, milk, orange juice and yogurt. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and trout, rich in omega-3 fatty acids that increase HDL levels and reduce LDL, and have a positive effect on the blood triglycerides.

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Author: alex

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