Named 8 phrases that manipulators use to check your borders


them. It's not just words – it's red flags. If you recognize them at an early stage, it will help protect your personal borders and maintain a healthy relationship dynamics, writes Hack Spirit.

Experts identify 8 such manipulative phrases:

you are too sensitive

The manipulator tool is often a humiliation that makes you doubt your feelings and reactions. The phrase “you are too sensitive” is a classic example. This is a way of manipulator to get away from criticism and avoid responsibility for your actions. This phrase undermines your confidence and faith in yourself by facilitating the manipulator control over the situation and pushing your borders.This is a way of manipulator to mask offensive comments or unacceptable behavior. This allows the manipulator to check your borders and see how much you are ready to tolerate under the guise of humor. The joke should laugh everyone, not just the one who tells it. If it is touched on you, it's not a joke but border breaking.

you don't trust me

Trust is the fundamental basis of any relationship. But manipulators are able to turn it into weapons to check your borders. The phrase “you don't trust me” is often used by manipulators to translate guilty and make you feel guilty. Instead of solving your problems, they focus on your distrust, effectively distracting from the true problem. But when it becomes a regularity, it can be a sign of manipulation. “I didn't mean it” – a phrase often used by manipulators to make you doubt in your understanding and perception. This allows them to avoid responsibility for their actions or words.

If you really loved me

This phrase is a powerful emotional tactic that can make you feel in the corner and obliged. This is a manipulator way to use your emotions against you. Manipulators often use love as a coin to get the desired. They questioned your love to make you feel guilty.

I'm not guilty

Avoid responsibility is a common feature among manipulators. The “I am not guilty” phrase is often used by manipulators to avoid responsibility and accountability. They test your borders, looking at how much guilt they can shift to you or others. Don't let them make you believe you are always guilty. Stay on your own and criticize this behavior when you see it.

You are guilty of me

manipulators find a way to make you feel required by them. The phrase “You are to blame” is a common tool they use to establish control and achieve your own. They create a sense of duty, insisting that you are guilty of their past services or kindness.  

No one will tolerate this except me

The phrase “No one will put with you to put up with you” – one of the most toxic things that the manipulator can say. It is intended to undermine your self -esteem, to make you feel that you are lucky that they have appeared in your life at all. They test your borders looking at how much emotional violence you are ready to tolerate. This phrase can make you feel isolated and dependent on the manipulator, which is exactly what he wants.

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Author: alex

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