Named a particularly harmful product for people with high cholesterol

Foreign scientist, professor of dietetics Jinan Banna (Jinan Banna): people with high cholesterol should eat red meat very carefully.

In an interview with the researcher, red meat was called one of the most undesirable foods in in the diet of people whose cholesterol level is already elevated.

“This product contains both saturated fats and cholesterol, which, when consumed in excess, together can cause an increase in the level of cholesterol in a person's blood. It also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases,” says Dr. Banna.

The scientist noted that eating foods that contain a high concentration of saturated fats encourages the body to produce more intensively LDL cholesterol, the so-called “bad” cholesterol. It is this type of cholesterol that has the property of sticking to the inner walls of blood arteries and, accumulating, clogging them.

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Author: alex

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