Named a simple dessert for longevity for every day
This product was used in ancient Egypt , it is now considered a trendy superfood. The properties are really impressive: it has a large number of vitamins and minerals, it can even prolong life. In addition, many emphasize the taste separately and recommend adding it to desserts.
In traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine, honey is used as a means to improve digestion, and the ancient Egyptians used it as an ointment for skin ulcers. Scientists have recently shown that honey is more effective than over-the-counter cough remedies.
Claire Thornton-Wood of the British Dietetic Association claims that honey is better than antibiotics for colds because they are only used for bacterial infections.
Honey is used to heal wounds and is even added to sterile bandages. It has traditionally been used as an antiseptic, but it is found in honey in very low concentrations, so it is gentle, microbiologist Pam Hunter noted.
Honey also draws fluid from wounds and prevents dressings from sticking, but it should not be applied for a wound that is not yet long.
Honey also helps fight a hangover, as fructose accelerates the oxidation of alcohol in the liver. British doctors advise after a stormy night to eat toast with honey for breakfast.
Some also believe that honey eases digestive problems, it can kill bacteria that cause food poisoning.
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