Named a simple method that stimulates hair growth at home

Healthy hair is one of the main factors of self-confidence. Therefore, when it falls out, a person feels a certain discomfort and insecurity. There are many options for hair treatment – medical procedures, drugs and herbs. Since the first two have a rather high cost, many people try to treat the hair cover with the help of medicinal plants.

Another effective means of hair treatment was found – head massage. According to the results of a recent study, when performing this procedure daily for four minutes, the hair cover in men begins to grow better. In this way, the activity of the genes responsible for hair growth increases.

According to Abraham Armani, MD and medical director of Armani Medical Hair Restoration, massage expands the small arteries of the scalp. This allows you to increase blood flow to the hair follicle and prolong the hair growth cycle.

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Author: alex

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