Named a substance that will reduce cravings for sweets many times over

Overcome cravings sweets are very difficult. Many believe that this can be done only through willpower, but scientists are sure that the problem will be solved by foods rich in a certain substance.

Experts have found out that cravings for sweets, especially chocolate, can be is associated with magnesium deficiency in the body, as chocolate contains a lot of this substance.

Research has shown that many people get this element with food in insufficient quantities, so they are drawn to chocolate!

It is noted that magnesium not only prevents the desire to eat something sweet, but also plays an important role in the health of bones, heart and digestion. The substance also affects the immune system, sleep, cell health, mood and energy level.

At the same time, chronically low levels of magnesium can increase blood pressure, the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.

To fill magnesium deficiency, you can include unsweetened cocoa powder, nuts, beans, brown rice, salmon, dried fruits, greens, and pumpkin seeds in the diet. The recommended daily dose for adults is 420 mg for men and 320 mg for women.

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Author: alex

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