Named a useful product that accelerates the development of dementia

This popular product is good for health. It is rich in omega-3, a substance that plays an important role in the development and functioning of the brain. However, if it is not prepared correctly, it will contribute to the rapid development of dementia.

Despite research, scientists cannot reverse the dementia crisis. But fortunately, there are many preventive measures available to us. One common product in the UK could be contributing to brain damage, researchers say.

The burden associated with dementia is increasing year by year, with serious consequences for people, as well as the economic and social spheres. Health authorities are trying to get the disease under control, and research is highlighting the key role of diet in maintaining cognitive health. Some foods, for example, are better to exclude from the diet for the sake of the proper functioning of the brain. In one study, scientists concluded that baked beans can contribute to the rapid deterioration of brain function, thereby preparing the ground for dementia.

Dementia takes a heavy toll on older people around the world, carrying with it a heavy emotional and economic burden. .

According to the researchers, such indicators are explained by the aging of the population, because the majority today live longer than 70 years.

This disease affects both the elderly themselves and their relatives, as patients lose their independence.

During the pandemic, however, work in the field of dementia care has been hit hard, with many clinical trials forced to halt.

But some early research warns that processed foods, such as baked beans, may contribute to cognitive decline.< /p>

According to one study, a diet high in red meat, processed meats, baked beans, and fried foods is associated with inflammation and faster cognitive decline over a period of more than ten years.

The results show that the consumption of baked beans is associated with the consumption of other fried foods.

“Baked beans are often part of the English breakfast alongside meat products, including bacon and other fried foods – – write researchers.

As for the relationship between baked beans and other food groups, the highest indicator is for fried foods – 0.16; in addition, a correlation was found with meat products — 0.1, sweet drinks 0.1, and spices 0.13.

Thus, the relationship between frequent consumption of beans and a high inflammatory diet score cannot be generalized. , but it seems that it is explained by the specific eating habits of the study participants.”

It is important to note that the study emphasized the correlation between the consumption of baked beans and other fried foods, so it is not possible to establish a causal relationship.

Research on the effects of fried foods shows that they cause inflammation in the brain, and this causes damage to the blood vessels leading to a vital organ.

In addition, fried food releases oxidative glycotoxins, which contribute to the deterioration of the brain.

These results are in sharp contrast to the data that consumption of beans can strengthen mental abilities.

However, baked beans have certain weaknesses: added sugars and salt, food additives and bisphenol contamination through the labels on the cans.

Researchers explain that processed products can be called those products that undergo deliberate changes before being we can eat them. This is, for example, canning.

The study highlights the dangers of processed foods for the brain: in just four weeks, they cause inflammation in the brain.

“These results show that the consumption of processed food can lead to significant and dramatic impairments in memory — and in the case of older adults, rapid memory loss is more likely to develop into a neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer's disease, says lead author Ruth Barrientos of the State University Center for Behavioral Medicine Research Ohio.

However, knowing this, we can probably limit the amount of processed foods in our diet and increase our intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids to prevent or slow down the process.”

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Author: alex

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