Named a vitamin that contributes to the development of cancer
According to research, the consumption of foods rich in vitamin E reduces the risk of getting cancer – however, the same vitamin taken in the form of drugs contributes to the development of cancer.
Cell magazine published data obtained by scientists from the Karolinska Institute (Sweden). They testify that taking vitamin E promotes more aggressive lung cancer, accelerating tumor metastasis. It was found that under its influence, a protein is activated, which helps cancer cells receive more glucose and grow faster.
Later, the ability of vitamin E to promote the development of lung cancer was confirmed by scientists from the United States, who stated that its intake by women increases the risk of this disease by 28%.
In addition, researchers assume that it has a similar effect on the probability of the appearance of other types of cancer – breast, uterus, rectum.
Scientific experts state that, unlike from products containing this vitamin in the form of different molecules of tocopherols and tocotrienols, synthetic preparations differ in the presence of only one of the tocopherols. Perhaps this explains the difference between natural and pharmaceutical sources of the vitamin.
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