Named a vitamin that protects against Alzheimer's disease

Researchers concluded that the vitamin B12 can be used to fight Alzheimer's disease. True, it will not help to cure this ailment, but it will still provide some assistance.

Most diseases are associated with a certain lifestyle or bad heredity. Senile dementia is no exception. It is an incurable disease, the exact causes of which are unknown, but age, gender, unhealthy lifestyle, brain injuries and genes play a role in the development of this condition. There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but scientists and medical professionals are working tirelessly to find ways to prevent this disease.

And now researchers from the University of Delaware have found out that vitamin B12 can affect the development of Alzheimer's disease and even provide some protection of the brain.

Alzheimer's patients have accumulations of beta-amyloid proteins, which have a toxic effect on neurons. In the course of experiments using ordinary earthworms, it was established that when feeding them E. coli bacteria with a high level of vitamin B12, the worms received additional protection against paralysis.

So far, the research is at the most embryonic level, and the obtained preliminary data do not prove at all that vitamin B12 will be effective in humans.

It is necessary to confirm this in experiments on mice, then on human primates, and only after that proceed to experiments involving humans. It is worth noting that vitamin B12 is not a toxic drug, its effect on the body is well studied, so this stage of research can come quite quickly if all the previous ones are successfully completed.

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Author: alex

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