Named after a popular drink that can cause cardiac arrest

One popular drink can be the cause cardiac arrest even in healthy people. 

The article draws attention to the fact that alcohol still has the most harmful effect on the human body. However, in recent years, another drink has appeared that can increase the risk of a heart attack even in young and relatively healthy citizens. They mean energy drinks, the main threat in their case is a significant concentration of caffeine.

In particular, the guarana specified in the composition is obtained from a plant identical to the caffeine contained in coffee. Moreover, the mentioned component has even more caffeine in it than in coffee beans. When mixed with other substances common to energy drinkers, such as ginseng and taurine, guarana can have unpleasant consequences.

An increased threat arises for those who mix energy drinks with alcohol. Energetics by themselves can cause severe arrhythmia, in which normal heart contractions are disturbed. There is a risk that the heart will beat excessively fast, slowly or irregularly. In severe cases, the mentioned condition leads to the fact that rapid and chaotic electrical signals enter the lower chambers of the organ. According to the conclusions of scientists from the Mayo Clinic, it threatens, including death, if the heart rhythm is not restored within a few minutes.

Experts also talked about ways to reduce the risk of a heart attack. For this, it is necessary to prevent high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The optimal prevention will be a combination of physical exercises and a healthy diet. The diet should include a large amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish and other lean proteins, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils. It is necessary to exclude alcohol and tobacco from your life.

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Author: alex

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