Named an affordable and inexpensive product for protection against heart disease

One of the best, accessible and inexpensive superfoods that increase the body's protection against heart disease is a banana, experts in the field of nutrition said.

Named an affordable and inexpensive product to protect against heart disease

Doctors told why they consider banana an “incredibly useful superfood”. According to them, inexpensive bananas, which are available almost everywhere, have a number of advantages for humans – in particular, they contribute to the health of the cardiovascular system.

“In addition, the dietary fibers of bananas prevent the absorption of excess sugar and bad cholesterol in the intestines, which thus reducing the risk of ischemic heart disease, stroke, heart attack,” the experts clarified.

They added that the potassium in bananas is combined with magnesium – this duet of minerals has a beneficial effect on the functions of the nervous system and improves the quality of sleep. In addition, their fruits provide the body with tryptophan, which it converts into the neurotransmitter serotonin, which regulates the circadian rhythm. This harmonizes the periodicity of sleep-wake cycles, prevents insomnia, increases protection against everyday stresses, which also helps prevent heart diseases.

In general, the consumption of bananas has a beneficial effect on immunity, experts emphasized.

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Author: alex

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