Named an inexpensive product for women's health
This product has a multifaceted beneficial effect on the female body. A nutritionist spoke about its beneficial properties.
Radish turned out to be a useful product for the female body. According to the expert, it has antibacterial properties. Radish also contributes to the normalization of the hormonal background, reducing pain during critical days and slowing down the aging of the skin, the nutritionist said.
The doctor added that the vegetable is also useful for men's health, as it helps to increase the level of testosterone and remove inflammation of the prostate. Previously, radish was also named among the foods useful for the pancreas.
However, some people should still refuse to use this product. The expert recommends giving up radish to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and also suffering from gout.
In addition, it is contraindicated for pregnant women because of the essential oils contained in it, which increase the tone of the uterus.
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