Named blood groups with strong immunity to infections in their owners

< p>Scientists have named blood groups whose owners are distinguished by particularly strong immunity to infections.

The research referred to by the publication showed that with the above-mentioned blood group, the body produces the interferon protein, which fights viruses, bacteria, much more actively substances, some chemical compounds that invade the body.

Among owners of the fourth blood group, interferon is well produced in 92% of cases, scientists have established.

“Blood group affects how the body a person is able to produce interferon in case of a viral infection, which is directly related to issues of the immune system”, the researchers summarized.

Also, people with the first and third blood groups have a fairly strong immunity to infections. Their rates of interferon production are, respectively, 80 and 91 percent.

As for the second blood type, its owners, according to scientific experts, in 40 percent of cases have low productivity of a protein important for the immune system. The presence of this blood group can make a person prone to infectious diseases to a greater extent than other groups.

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Author: alex

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