Named breakfast foods that reduce sugar levels throughout the day
Certain foods eaten for breakfast can lower blood sugar levels throughout the day, helping to prevent hyperglycemia and diabetes.
Scientists state that the human body uses sugar to produce energy. At the very beginning of the day, between 3 and 8 in the morning, the body begins to increase the level of stored sugar, which it needs to prepare for the next day.
Meanwhile, it is very important for diabetics to keep the sugar level stable, not allowing it to rise or fall. These spikes in sugar can lead to long-term health problems, including heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease.
One way to keep your blood sugar balanced is to eat the “right” foods for breakfast.< /p>
“The right products for breakfast allow a person to feel full and prevent overeating during the day. Skipping breakfast has a negative effect on blood sugar levels. “Test participants showed extreme spikes in blood sugar after lunch and after dinner on days they skipped breakfast,” according to a report published in Diabetes Care.
Experts named breakfast foods that lower sugar levels throughout the day.
- Oats.
- Avocado.
- Flaxseed.
- Eggs.
According to the researchers, these products are rich in vitamins, nutrients, fiber – their use improves insulin sensitivity and blood lipid regulation, has a positive effect on glycemic control. Their inclusion in the first meal is excellent for stabilizing the blood sugar level.
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