Named daily habits that can be aged by 10 years
Everyday habits affect The appearance and among them are those that help us look older than our years. Experts have named habits that are able to aggravate at once for 10 years.If you have a lot of telephone communication in your life, this habit will adversely affect the appearance. When a person presses the phone to the ear and tilts the head, it disrupts blood circulation, and on the skin in the area of the cheeks and neck is formed folds and kinks – the ideal base for wrinkles. In addition, the cheek, to which the phone is constantly pressed, is subject to ptosis, the fabrics on it are crawling down.
spend a lot of time looking at the screen. We are surrounded by electronic devices, and it is not difficult to see in what pose people usually read texts from screens – in a pose with a sloping head. Due to the fact that the head is constantly tilted with the chin to the neck, swelling occurs on the face, especially noticeable in the area around the eyes. All this serves as an ideal basis for the development of ptosis, in which the tissue of the face “slips down, forming visors, other chin and giving a sad appearance, will enhance visually the effect of aging. >The stylists are well aware: after 40 years, properly selected glasses of the newlyweds, hiding various front defects and growing up in the area of the eye sockets, inevitable with age. Even if it is OK with vision, it is useful to wear glasses without diopters – they not only mask aesthetic problems with the face, but also protect the eyes, help not to bend, serve as a prevention of wrinkles in the forehead and transported. But it is especially dangerous to ignore sunglasses outside – they should be worn in clear weather all year long.
Chew on one side. many people do not notice that they get used to chewing food or gum on only one side of the jaw. Subsequently, it can lead to facial asymmetry: one part of the face will have muscles with hypertonus, and the other – on the contrary, weakened. Such a violation has a negative effect on the appearance and is old.
default. If you sleep less than this amount, you will most likely get bags under your eyes, swollen eyelids, pallor. The predominant renewal of different organs and systems occurs at night. In the absence of sleep, the synthesis of collagen proteins and elastin, on which the skin frame, its elasticity and lack of wrinkles depends. As a result, a person looks older than his age.
a complex effect. .
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