Named eating habits that lead to the appearance of kidney stones


Insufficient use of water, surplus of salts, in excess of salt, and stones. Specialists reported in the media. According to doctors, a number of nutritional habits of modern people contribute to the emergence of urolithiasis. Water dilutes the concentration of those substances in the urine that harden and turn into stones. Experts explain: a diet with high sodium levels increases the content of calcium in the urine, which can compound with oxalate or phosphorus, and bring to kidney stones. In addition, you need to control the consumption of high calcium products. Cheese, milk, sour milk cheese, eggs, cabbage, sesame, almonds, beans, black bread are products that have a lot of it, and their consumption can be too active. According to WHO, the daily rate of consumption of calcium for adults is from 800 to 1200 mg. In the case of kidney disease, this standard should be reduced twice.

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Author: alex

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