Named effective exercises and their duration for longevity

One of the main keys to longevity is considered physical activity. Daily exercise has many health benefits, including strengthening the heart muscle and reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Now scientists have found out that a certain duration of such activity can add three years to life. Experts came to this conclusion after a study that lasted eight years. The work showed that physical exercise for 15 minutes reduces the risk of premature death from all causes by 14%.

“The benefit increases with each additional minute of activity,” Harvard scientists noted. “Each additional 15 minutes of exercise per day reduced mortality during the study period by another four percent,” experts said.

Dr. Daniel Foreman, a cardiologist at Harvard Hospital, emphasized that physical activity reduces the body's vulnerability to heart attacks, heart failure, peripheral artery disease, and arrhythmia. “Not only do you feel better, all body systems start working better,” he explained.

At the same time, doctors note that it is not necessary to carry out intensive weight training for longevity. Daily walking, dancing, tai chi, cycling, rollerblading, running or swimming is enough. In addition, jumping rope, soccer, volleyball and other sports with friends count.

It is well known that regular physical activity in general has a better effect on health than any treatment, said Dr. David Hupin In his study, he found that those who exercised for at least 15 minutes each day had a 22% lower risk of death. At the same time, such an indicator was observed in the group of participants who could not afford more than simple walking.

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Author: alex

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