Named everyday habits that can lead to cancer

Experts talked about five common habits that provoke the occurrence of cancer and other dangerous diseases. It is recommended to pay attention to them and try to get rid of them, as this can lead to negative consequences.

Experts have reported that lack of sleep can provoke obesity, which increases the risk of developing serious ailments. It is about cancer and heart disease. In order to have good health, it is recommended that an adult sleep 7-9 hours at night.

In case of chronic loneliness, an inflammatory reaction to stress occurs, which increases the risk of developing oncology, atherosclerosis and neurodegeneration, doctors reported.


If a person excessively abuses alcohol, the risk of encountering 7 types of cancer increases. It is also worth excluding the use of dangerous supplements, which include beta-carotene or vitamin E. Experts do not advise spending all your free time just watching TV. , which a person spends in front of the TV, can also have a negative effect on health, just like smoking. He advises choosing a healthy lifestyle to avoid deterioration of well-being and shortening of life expectancy.

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Author: alex

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