Named fatty products useful for weight loss

Fatty foods can be good for weight loss because they are good at suppressing hunger , doing without additional snacks.

“Healthy fats help the body regulate the level of hunger hormones and suppress cravings for high-calorie food,” experts explained.

Also, experts state, fatty foods are better trace elements, vitamins and minerals important for weight loss are absorbed. Nutritionists recommended that those who want to become slimmer should include the following products in their diet.

Avocado – in addition to fatty monounsaturated acids, it also contains fiber and protein: this combination provides a very long-lasting feeling of satiety .

Eggs – their yolks are also rich in monounsaturated fats useful for weight loss, and they have even more protein than the white part.

Dark chocolate – it contains cocoa butter that helps suppress appetite, and other components (fiber, iron, magnesium, manganese) stimulate metabolic activity, thanks to which fat is burned more intensively.

Coconut oil . According to data published by the journal Lipids, its consumption contributes to the reduction of fat in the abdominal area.

Fish – fatty species in the form of salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, provide the body with omega-3 fatty acids and protein, which has a beneficial effect on metabolism, suppresses appetite.


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Author: alex

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