Named five cereals that are more useful than buckwheat

Although buckwheat is usually called the “queen of cereals”, there are more useful ones: their list includes exotic cereals quinoa, kamut, sorghum, teff, amaranth.


Specialists in the field of healthy nutrition named several cereals that are more useful than buckwheat. One of them is quinoa or quinoa. It is extremely saturated with healthy omega-3 fats: for example, 100 grams of such cereals provide 15% of the daily dose of these fatty acids needed by a person. It also contains a lot of lysine (25% of the daily norm), which helps to cope with hair loss, anemia.

Another type of cereal, which is considered more useful than buckwheat, is a type of wheat – this is kamut. 100 grams provide up to 11 grams of protein, 8 grams of fiber (more than 30% of the average daily value). In addition, it contains nicotinic acid, which is important for hormonal balance, a strong nervous system, and the processing of fats and carbohydrates.

Another grain that is mega-beneficial for health is sorghum. Its advantages: a large amount of protein, thiamine (vitamin B1), which supports the work of the heart, body muscles, as well as vitamins B2, B6. Thanks to them, the condition of nails and hair improves, metabolism is activated.

In turn, teff is an ideal cereal if there is an allergy to gluten. Cereals are filled with vitamin C, which promotes the production of collagen, the growth of new blood cells, and the strengthening of muscle tissue. In addition, lysine, which is necessary for hair growth, the correct production of blood cells, and vegetable protein

Amaranth groats are also useful for health. It surpasses buckwheat in protein content: up to 25% of the daily norm! In addition, it is rich in lysine and B vitamins. The content of the unique ingredient svalena makes amaranth a strong natural immunomodulator.

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Author: alex

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