Named fruit that helps to fall asleep faster
A huge number of people face problems when diving into sleep every night. Fortunately, simple changes in nutrition can help them sleep longer and more. Statistics show that every third Ukrainian does not bite the required amount of sleep at night. All this has a negative effect on mood, disrupts concentration and attentiveness. In addition, sleep deficiency increases the risk of serious medical disorders, including heart disease and diabetes. Fortunately, there are simple changes in lifestyle that help solve this problem. These include nutrition adjustments. Scientists have discovered a fruit that provides a person with a desired feeling of drowsiness.
researchers at Taipei Medical University have found that Kiwi has properties that allow a person to get into sleep faster. During an experiment, which lasted 4 weeks, 24 adult volunteers were consumed two kiwi an hour before leaving to bed every night. Summary was summed up by the end of the observations. It turned out that Kiwi's use helped people fall asleep 42% faster than participants from the control group who ate nothing before bedtime. In addition, in the first group, the quality of sleep has improved by about 5%over the night, and the total sleep duration increased by 15%. Well, the greatest effect is given by two portions of kiwi before bed. In addition, researchers recommend the use of other fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, such as berries, plums, and raisins. They all allow to overcome oxidative stress due to sleep disorders.
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