Named habits that adversely affect the kidneys


Immortality and overweight, uncontrollable medication, smoking. Some habits of people are detrimental to such an important organ as kidneys, doctors state. This is especially dangerous in the presence of excess body weight, as these factors increase pressure and can lead to the development of diabetes of the second type – a disease that occupies the first place in the structure of causes of terminal chronic renal failure. Most often we take painkillers uncontrollably. Meanwhile, experts note, many of these drugs can disrupt the proper functioning of the kidneys. Constant administration of some medicines can cause renal failure. Doctors warn that a taurine component contained in such drinks can accumulate in the body and promote the development of renal failure. Alcohol, according to them, promotes dehydration of the body, which threatens the failure of the kidneys. Smoking, in turn, is a recognized factor in increased risk of developing chronic renal failure.

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Author: alex

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