Named hygiene products that can cause cancer

Scientists from the USA have created a list of 45 dangerous items that can provoke the development of obesity, diabetes and even cancer. It is noteworthy that the list includes some hygiene products that people use every day.

Compounds of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, as well as groups of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl, were recognized as dangerous. These substances can lead not only to obesity and diabetes, but also provoke heart problems, mental retardation, thyroid problems, infertility, and cancer, including breast and ovarian cancer.

The above dangerous substances are often used in the manufacture of dental floss.

“Microcracks appear in the bristles, where the antibiotic triclosan accumulates. It is sometimes added to toothpastes, as it protects the gums from inflammation. However, in large quantities, this substance contributes to hormonal disorders,” American scientists warn.

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Author: alex

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