Named mineral, a high level of which in the body is dangerous to life
Not only the lack of minerals contained in the body, but also their excess can lead to dangerous consequences for health, writes Sözcü. The publication cites a comment by a specialist in internal medicine, Osman Erk, who explained why it is necessary to monitor the balance of one of the vital elements in the human body.
The balance of calcium in the body is vitally important, notes Erk. “The lack or excess of this mineral can cause many different health problems, from osteoporosis to forgetfulness, from the formation of kidney stones to a heart attack,” says the expert.
Calcium, known for all its benefits for bone health, is at the same time a very important mineral for the nervous and muscular system. Without calcium, one cell cannot communicate with another, and our muscles cannot contract. Calcium also affects blood pressure and plays an important role in blood clotting. However, along with the lack of calcium, its excess is also associated with serious health risks, draws attention to the specialist in internal diseases, Professor Dr. Osman Erk. The expert told what you need to know about this mineral…
Why does it decrease in the body?
The body of an adult contains an average of 1.2 thousand grams of calcium. 99% of this amount is concentrated in bones and about 1% in body fluids. Calcium is one of the most important building blocks of cells that make up body tissues. It is a mineral needed for the contraction of the heart muscle and other muscles. The average diet includes 400-1000 milligrams of calcium. Calcium is absorbed in the small intestine, excreted from the body with feces, and then most often through the kidneys.
For a healthy life, calcium balance is extremely important. This balance is provided by the parathyroid glands, located next to the thyroid gland in the neck, and vitamin D.
A serum calcium level below 8.5 mg/dL is called hypocalcemia (low calcium). Calcium deficiency most often occurs due to vitamin D deficiency.
Hypocalcemia can also develop as a result of removal of the parathyroid glands during operations on the thyroid gland, damage to the parathyroid glands, after other surgical interventions in the head and neck region, as well as on the background neck radiotherapy.
How to determine?
Low calcium levels that occur suddenly can manifest as involuntary muscle contractions like epilepsy, numbness all over the body, difficulty breathing similar to asthma, low blood pressure, symptoms of heart failure.
And with a chronically low level of calcium, such signs as cataracts, tooth and nail diseases, personality changes, depression, psychosis, and mental retardation can be observed. Some people who have been treated for a long time for epilepsy have been found to have low calcium levels. Such patients often go to psychoneurological clinics and, as a rule, remain undiagnosed for a long time.
It should not be high
In case of excessive calcium content in the body (hypercalcemia). this mineral accumulates in tissues, and calcification occurs. Excess calcium is the most important cause of this condition. The more calcium deposits in the blood vessels, the more widespread atherosclerosis. And this indicates an increased risk of high blood pressure and heart attack.
High levels of calcium also occur in cancer. This can be accompanied by such symptoms as a strong heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, depression, impaired consciousness, constipation, a metallic taste in the mouth, frequent urination. If calcium levels are abnormal in blood tests, parathyroid hormone, vitamin D, and phosphorus levels should be checked.
What are the treatment options?
For general health and calcium balance, it is necessary to resort to the help of the sun's rays. 20-30 minutes of sunbathing a day will be enough.
For calcium to enter the body in sufficient quantity, green leafy vegetables and fruits must be present in the diet. It is impossible to get enough calcium from products of animal origin (meat, milk, dairy products).
Since these products have an acidic structure, the body extracts a large amount of calcium and magnesium from the bones to maintain the balance, and due to excessive excretion it becomes impossible to achieve a balance of calcium with urine. Therefore, excessive use of the mentioned products is not recommended.
In those cases when all these measures are not enough, you should take two to six grams of calcium per day and supplement the diet with vitamin D.
However, Before taking calcium supplements, you should try to get this necessary mineral from food. But, if, despite careful attention to nutrition, the need for calcium still persists, then you should use medicines under the supervision of a doctor.
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