Named one of the most useful drinks for the heart

According to a new study by Western scientists, ordinary water can be the key to heart health. This vital organ supports blood circulation and is responsible for the efficient delivery of nutrients throughout the body.

There are many heart-healthy beverages, but nutritionist Lisa Young, MD, believes one of the best is water. . According to her, water ensures proper hydration of the blood, which in turn ensures efficient transport of oxygen to organs and tissues, as well as supports the body's ability to get rid of waste.

Water helps with digestion, temperature regulation, assimilation and transportation. nutrients and many other important body functions.

In addition, water is a key component for heart health, helping to prevent heart failure. In particular, scientists came to this conclusion during the study.

Scientists emphasized that the average person does not receive the required amount of water every day, so it is important to pay more attention to the correct saturation of the body with liquid.

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Author: alex

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