Named popular products that can harm the thyroid gland

Cabbage, vegetable smoothies, some types of fish, sausage products – a number of popular products can harm the fragile and sensitive thyroid gland.

Experts remind, that the way of life affects the condition of the thyroid gland, and some popular products can harm it and provoke the development of disorders. The following products were named by them.

Experts pointed to algae and seaweed, which contain a lot of iodine. In the presence of hyperthyroidism or when thyroid hormones reach the upper limit of normal, it is better not to eat such products in order to avoid overactivity of the gland.

Cabbage and all other vegetables of the cruciferous family are rich in specific substances that can affect the ability of the thyroid gland to process iodine , to harm her. But this applies only to raw vegetables, the scientists explained.

Also, according to them, you need to be very careful with such a popular product as smoothies. Vegetables and greens, ground into a liquid, are instantly absorbed, while they contain components that can slow down the function of the gland.

Another popular product that can harm the organ is artificial sweeteners. They have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora, which has a bad effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Processed meat also contributes to its dysfunction. Products from it often contain carrageenan and polysorbate 80 additives, which can activate the mechanisms that trigger the development of autoimmune diseases, including diseases of this organ.

Fish, specifically tuna, mackerel, are distinguished by high dosages of mercury, which is absorbed by the thyroid gland and able to accumulate in it. This increases the likelihood of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland, causing its destruction. it turns out bread, semi-finished products, sauces, many others are often bought in supermarkets.

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Author: alex

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