Named products capable of extending life by 5 years

People since time immemorial wonder: how to live longer? Every year it becomes more and more obvious that life expectancy is influenced by many factors, some of which can be adjusted by the person himself. For example, nutrition.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition identified a major role of omega-3 fatty acids in improving the quality of life.

Moreover, the authors found that foods with the content of these fatty acids help to increase life expectancy due to the beneficial effect on heart health and reducing inflammation.

Researchers believe that people with more omega-3 in their blood live for five years longer. They came to this conclusion after studying the long-term health outcomes of 2,240 people over the age of 65.

“In fact, in this study, we found that omega-3 levels may be the same factor that affects longevity , as well as smoking,” said Aleix Sala-Vila, one of the authors of the study conducted by the US Fatty Acid Research Institute in collaboration with the Medical Research Institute of Hospital del Mar. Experts note that you don't need to wait until retirement to buy omega-3 products, you should start as early as possible.

One of the main benefits of omega-3 fatty acids is the reduction of inflammation. This process is normal, but with excessive or unresolved inflammation, chronic diseases can develop. Sources of fatty acids are salmon, flax seeds, halibut, tuna, mackerel, chia seeds, as well as high-quality dark chocolate.

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Author: alex

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