Named products that act as metabolism accelerators

With a good metabolism, calories are burned faster – this is one of the key conditions for losing weight and maintaining a slim figure. German specialists have named products that act as natural accelerators of metabolism.

Marine vegetation. Metabolic activity is closely related to the functioning of the thyroid gland. If the gland works sluggishly, does not synthesize enough hormones, this can contribute to fullness. Reducing its activity allows you to prevent algae.

Blueberry. Its consumption helps the body to restore the balance of sugar in the blood, which allows metabolic processes to be carried out in an intensive mode. In addition, blueberries reduce inflammation, which reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes.

Protein sources. Protein is one of the most effective metabolic boosters, especially in combination with exercises: such a complex helps to build muscle mass, which displaces fat. Foods especially rich in protein are fish, beef, poultry, legumes, quinoa, peas.

Cocoa. Unprocessed (unsweetened) chocolate is rich in minerals, primarily magnesium. This substance not only stimulates metabolism and fights obesity, but also reduces the risk of diabetes.

Pineapple. The enzymes contained in it act as accelerators of the digestion process, thereby helping to reduce weight – Freundin magazine (Germany) writes about this.

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Author: alex

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