Named products that are harmful after 30 years


Nutritionists are reminiscent-after 30 years, our body becomes less tolerant of a certain series of products. Experts call for those who have joined the ranks of 30-year-old, are more careful about the fact that they eat. Let's take a closer look at “forbidden products” and find out what these products are so dangerous for those who have exchanged the fourth dozen.

Aromatic yogurt. very often we choose yogurt with berries or fruits, as part of a diet, but this kind of dairy products, as a rule, contain a large amount of sugar in each portion – as much as 47 grams – nutritionists assure. This is more than the daily rate of sugar. The American Cardiologists Association set a level for men – 38 g and 25 g of sugar per day – for women.

Experts recommend – instead of flavored yogurt, buy simple, without additives, and add fresh or dried fruits to it at home.

soybean. here is another ingredient that should be useful, but it is not better than, for example, for example. Soybean can cause inflammation in the body and potentially affect the function of the thyroid gland.

Another threat of soybeans, according to scientists, is associated with phytoestrogens contained in it, which affect the metabolism of estrogen in the body. For this reason, soybeans should not be given especially to children who are still growing.

a straw or tube in drinks. A nearby mouth can appear around the mouth and wrinkles due to short movements during fluid absorption. And since after 25 years, collagen in our skin begins to collapse, then these repetitive movements can cause wrinkles on the face.

artificially grown on fish feed. Unfortunately, 70% of fish sold in shops and markets is a grown fish. Those who are deprived of fish are unscrupulous, very often feed fish growth stimulants, dyes and antibiotics. Whether it is necessary to explain how harmful it is for the body. Experts recommend buying and consuming wild fishing.

white bread. Blocked white flour increases blood sugar and practically no vitamins and minerals present in whole wheat. White bread is also less fiber than whole wheat.

fruit juice in packages. most purchased juices are added to sugar that is present in the fruits themselves. They are also often pasteurized, which means that any nutrient-sensitive nutrients are destroyed before the product gets on the store shelves.

baking boiled in the store. And at the same time, these harmful trans fats do not even need to be indicated on the label if they do not make more than 0.5% of the product.

Popcokcorn with oil. The diet plays a role in this. Especially harmful food for the brain, according to experts, is fried corn. In the coating oil, trans-fats that have a negative impact on memory. They literally destroy brain cells, warn nutritionists.

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Author: alex

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