Named products that can harm the health of human kidneys
Some common products can adversely affect the health of the kidneys. The latter are important for the proper functioning of the body, doctors warned.
In particular, the kidneys help remove waste from the body, produce hormones, and cleanse the blood of toxins and excess fluid. Some products can slow down the work of the organ or cause its destruction. First of all, you need to be careful with salt, because it in too large quantities leads to “wear and tear” of the kidneys.
A lot of sodium is usually found in processed or packaged foods, for example, frozen vegetables, salad dressings, etc. . It is better to abandon semi-finished products and ready-made dishes, giving preference to natural spices.
Red meat should be present in the diet in limited quantities. Proteins of animal origin take a long time to be absorbed by the body, which creates an additional burden on the kidneys.
It becomes more difficult for the body to efficiently remove waste products. In the case of milk, the main concern is phosphorus. If there is too much of it, the kidneys face additional stress, which affects their performance.
If you already have kidney problems, you should be more careful when eating bananas, because they contain a lot of potassium. The latter is not removed from the blood, against the background of which it can pose a danger to the body. For the same reason, you should not abuse oranges and fresh orange juice.
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