Named products that can help to get pregnant faster

Specialists presented five categories of products, availability which are necessary in the menu of women who want to get pregnant.

It is about a number of vital substances, such as folic acid, vitamins or vegetable proteins, which increase fertility. 

It is noted that only the body, which is sufficiently supplied with nutrients, is able to find energy for pregnancy, while poor nutrition and great stress, on the contrary, can provoke a negative impact.

Folic acid

It is found in asparagus, peanuts, broccoli, regular and Brussels sprouts, eggs or spinach. Folic acid (vitamin B9) promotes hematopoiesis and metabolism, as well as growth processes, which play an important role in the fertilization of the egg.

“A higher level of folic acid can have a positive effect: it not only has a beneficial effect on ovulation and implantation of the embryo, but also reduces the risk of neural tube defects of the fetus (for example, spina bifida)”, the publication quoted gynecologist Peter Derffler.

Vitamin B6

It is found in broccoli, beans, peas, potatoes and cabbage. According to the article, according to research conducted by the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, sufficient intake of vitamin B6 increases women's fertility by 40%.


Fatty acids , contained in vegetable oils, nuts, salmon or tuna, can stimulate blood circulation in the reproductive organs, help improve the quality of cervical mucus and have a beneficial effect on hormonal balance and ovulation.

Zinc< /h2>

This substance is found in raw Emmental and Gouda varieties, oatmeal, wheat, walnuts, lentils and corn. Zinc is involved in the body's production of reproductive hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, so it is necessary to cover the need for it especially for women who want to give birth to a child.

Vitamin B12

Contained in herring, salmon, Gouda cheese, eggs and sour milk cheese. It is noted that this vitamin increases the body's readiness for conception. While its deficiency is associated with fertility problems.

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Author: alex

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