Named products that cannot be eaten cold
A balanced diet means not only quality and the number of products. For the proper functioning of digestion and maintaining a healthy weight, it is also necessary to think about the temperature of food. In some cases, it plays a major role.
In the mid-1980s, the so-called “cold diet” was very popular among ballerinas and models. According to its rules, food must be consumed unheated. It was believed that this way the weight will go faster, since the body needs to spend energy both on digesting food and on heating it. However, in reality, it will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and dysbiosis rather than slimness, doctors say.
You should not eat protein food, especially in a cold form. The fact is that in this case it does not linger in the stomach for a long time and passes through the gastrointestinal tract faster. Proteins do not have time to break down into amino acids and enter the intestines undigested. In the best case, it will cause heaviness in the stomach, in the worst case – indigestion and serious diseases.
Any food prepared with the use of oil (meat, cereals, vegetables) should be eaten warm. Fats break down worse when cold. Hence the same heaviness and discomfort in the stomach. Potatoes are an exception to this rule. During its preparation, complex reactions with starch take place, which are completed only when it cools down.
Nutritionists in general advise to reheat any food that has undergone heat treatment. Fresh vegetables and fruits can be eaten cold without fear. At the same time, they should be taken out of the refrigerator 30-40 minutes before they are eaten. During this time, the products will “warm up” to room temperature.
Another rule from experts is that you should not mix hot food with cold. Such a combination does not allow you to feel satiety in time, which threatens overeating. It is noted that fast food restaurants often use this. Cold drinks are served there with hot food, so visitors eat much more.
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