Named products that cannot be stored in the refrigerator

A refrigerator is an indispensable thing in the house , however, many use it incorrectly, and this can cause serious harm to health. There is a list of products that should never be stored in the refrigerator. Otherwise, they produce substances that destroy the liver when ingested.

Modern living conditions are improving, more and more household appliances are appearing. A refrigerator is an indispensable helper in every home and really brings many conveniences to our lives, including extending the shelf life of products and keeping them fresh.
However, many people consider the refrigerator as a closet in which everything can be stored indiscriminately. In fact, this approach can be dangerous.

The temperature in the refrigerator is only + 3-4 degrees, and in the freezer – minus 15-20 degrees. Only those foods that are suitable for storage in such conditions should be put in the refrigerator, otherwise it can accelerate their spoilage.

Today we will talk about which products should not be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise they aflatoxins begin to be produced – substances that are very harmful to the liver.

What are aflatoxins?

Aflatoxins are poisonous substances that are a metabolic product produced by mold fungi of the genus Aspergillus, of which there are more than 20 species. Currently, the World Health Organization recognizes aflatoxins as carcinogenic.

In the early stage of aflatoxin poisoning, symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases such as stomach discomfort, bloating, nausea and vomiting may occur, and there may be more serious consequences – enlargement of the spleen and liver, jaundice, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity and internal bleeding.

Aflatoxins have an extremely negative effect on the health of the liver. In addition to the presence of carcinogenic and mutagenic properties, these substances can weaken immunity. According to epidemiological data, hepatitis B virus carriers are more likely to develop liver cancer if aflatoxins have been detected.

What foods should not be kept in the refrigerator?

< h3>1. Condiments and spices

Various seasonings and spices are necessary ingredients for cooking. Some prefer to store them in the refrigerator, trying to extend the shelf life. However, not all spices are suitable for storage in the refrigerator, for example, star anise and pepper.

The fact is that such spices begin to dehydrate when stored in the refrigerator. As a result, they produce aflatoxins that cause liver disease.

2. Tropical fruits

When bringing home fruits, many put them in the refrigerator for a while to cool. However, in reality, some fruits cannot be stored in it, especially tropical ones.

According to experts, storing bananas, lychees and other tropical fruits in the refrigerator not only does not preserve their freshness, but also accelerates decay. In a low-temperature environment, bacteria will multiply in the fruit and aflatoxins will be produced.

3. Noodles

We all love to eat fresh noodles, but sometimes they are not completely eaten, so many people put leftovers in the fridge. But you shouldn't do that.

Noodles prepared by yourself can be stored for a maximum of two to three days, but some believe that they do not spoil in the refrigerator and can be stored longer. In fact, the use of such noodles can have an extremely negative effect on health.

4. Salted vegetables

Nowadays, the diet is becoming more and more diverse, but, despite this, some have special requirements for the taste of food and prefer dishes with a rich taste, for example , all kinds of pickles.

However, in the process of salting, nitrites are formed, which are toxins that are harmful to the body.

Mold may appear during pickling of vegetables. In addition, in the refrigerator, products can become infected with aflatoxins. Once in the human body, these substances increase the metabolic load on the liver, which increases the likelihood of developing liver cancer. With this in mind, pickling should not be used in large quantities.

5. Medicinal plants

Medicinal plants should not be stored in the refrigerator, since when they are near food products for a long time, various bacteria and moisture can penetrate into them, which will lead to the destruction of healing properties.

Thus, if long-term storage is required, some valuable medicinal plants, such as ginseng, potbelly, codonopsis and others, can be placed in a clean glass container, and on top put an appropriate amount of glutinous rice, fried on low heat until dark golden color Then close the lid tightly and put the container in a cool and well-ventilated place.

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Author: alex

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