Named products that cause fatty liver
Not only alcohol and lard in large quantities can cause fatty liver – some foods also have this effect, and it is completely unexpected, as usually their negative qualities are deeply hidden.
Fatty liver is characterized by the accumulation of a large amount of fat in the organ: it begins to occupy up to 10% of the total volume. This condition poses a serious threat to the health of the body, it can be a precursor to cirrhosis and subsequent liver cancer. The most unpleasant thing is that dangerous processes can develop almost without symptoms for a long time until the moment when the violation becomes significant, even irreversible.
Doctors warn that one of the common causes of fatty liver is improper nutrition, abuse of some products Unexpectedly, among such products, experts also name those that are perceived as healthy and useful.
One of the most harmful for the liver, according to them, are processed meat products. In their production, liquid smoke is often used, which causes the fat to turn into the carcinogenic compound benzapyrene, which can destroy liver cells.
Hot spices are also dangerous. Experts note: they are able to affect the liver in a similar way to toxins, which provokes an increased secretion of bile for their processing. Excess bile that stagnates in the ducts contributes to the development of fatty liver disease.
Various sweeteners and sugar substitutes can also affect the body as toxic compounds. In attempts to get rid of them, the liver begins to work with a heavy load, which increases the risk of its damage.
Experts state: many people do not suspect that they eat a lot of salt. It enters the body with sausages, anchovies, canned products, bread – almost all food products contain incredible amounts of salt, which is used to enhance the taste and extend the shelf life. This creates a dangerous burden on the liver.
An unexpected item in the named list of foods that cause organ obesity is plant foods. Sorrel, berries, fruits and vegetables with high levels of acidity overload the liver, forcing it to work overtime to neutralize the acid. Any overload weakens it, makes it prone to pathologies.
Sweets in stores contain margarine, which is digested in a completely different way than natural butter. Products that contain it are among the worst for the liver, their frequent consumption is a direct path to its obesity.
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