Named products that help reduce headaches

Sometimes using products helps to cope with a headache without resorting to medication. A number of press sources have reported on those products that have the property of reducing an unpleasant headache.

Milk. In case of a headache, experts advise drinking a glass of not very fat milk. Drinking milk helps to reduce pain due to the high concentration of potassium and calcium in it. By the way, in women, it is precisely the drop in calcium levels in the blood that is a frequent cause of headaches in women before the onset of “critical” days.

Fatty fish. It contains many B vitamins and saturated omega-3 acids. Their complex provides an analgesic effect.

Fruits. Often, a headache is a signal from the body that the level of certain nutrients in the blood has decreased. Fruits, especially apples and lemons, help reduce headaches, as they effectively restore the balance of missing substances – glucose, minerals, vitamins.

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Author: alex

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