Named products that prevent weight loss

People who want to lose weight are advised to give up dairy products, as the body may have a hidden allergy or intolerance to them. Drinking “milk” in such a case can lead to the accumulation of fluid in the body, which causes digestive disorders and the accumulation of excess weight.

Named products that prevent weight loss

This was told by an endocrinologist .

“First of all, you need to give up cheese, as it is rich in histamine and can be perceived by the body as a highly allergenic product,” the specialist explained.

He also named one of the reasons for excess weight consumption of exotic fruits.

“Exotic fruits (mango, kiwi, bananas), fruits with a high glycemic index (grapes, peaches) are problematic, but a green apple or pear is another matter. But in order not to lose weight, it is better to consume no more than 200 grams of berries and fruits per day,” the endocrinologist added.

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Author: alex

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