Named signs reporting the disadvantages of vitamins


Specialists are named signs that report a lack of vitamin. Knowing the root cause of health deterioration, you can take effective measures to eliminate it, simply adjust your diet. Sometimes the body begins to feel an acute lack of certain minerals and vitamins, which leads to the appearance of signs, deciphering which can quickly solve the problem. Yes, cracks in the corners of the mouth indicate a deficiency of vitamin B, and in this case it is necessary to take care of replenishment of the body with zinc and iron. Redness on the skin and acne is a sign of the lack of nutrients of groups D and A. You can handle these problems by diversifying your diet with carrots and potatoes. You can return your condition by entering pumpkin seeds, avocados and dried fruits into the menu. Deficiency in the body of potassium, calcium and magnesium can lead to frequent spasms and pain in the legs. You can help recover by enriching food with almonds, apples, peanuts, cherry and spinach.

in a timely manner recognizing the signs of lack of any vitamin in the body, you can prevent the following serious diseases.

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Author: alex

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