Named simple habits that increase the risk of developing cancer

To date, medicine does not know of any proven and effective strategy that would allow for a guaranteed reduction of the risk of developing cancer to zero. However, thanks to numerous studies, scientists have managed to identify a number of simple habits that are characteristic of a huge number of people and at the same time significantly increase the likelihood of developing cancer.

Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer. However, according to doctors, there are six habits that people do not even suspect are dangerous from the point of view of the development of oncology. One of them is a passion for too hot drinks. Those who like scalding tea or coffee should think twice about their choice. A recent study showed that their regular use significantly increases the risk of developing esophageal cancer. Another factor that can lead to the appearance of tumors in various organs is the habit of working at night. According to scientists, such a schedule generally has a negative impact on immunity, which leads to bad consequences.

The risk of encountering cancer and the love of sweets significantly increase. As it turned out, excessive consumption of products containing sugar increases the risk of developing a tumor in the mammary gland. But many have probably already heard about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary work, for example, causes the same damage to the body as smoking several packs of cigarettes. Excess weight has a similar effect, which can cause cancer of the intestines, kidneys, pancreas and other organs.

Finally, the last dangerous factor, according to doctors, is the use of biologically active supplements and multivitamin complexes. When used correctly, they are, of course, beneficial, but they should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor and under his control. In practice, however, many people are addicted to such means on their own and often violate the dosage, which significantly increases the risks of dangerous health problems.

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Author: alex

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