Named simple ways to get rid of the smell of garlic from the mouth

Garlic is a useful product that provides dishes have a spicy taste and smell. However, its use is accompanied by bad breath, and the experts of the Interia portal gave recommendations for getting rid of the pungent aroma.

Garlic is called by many a natural antibiotic, it boasts bactericidal properties, strengthens the immune system and helps fight colds.< /p>

The only downside is the unpleasant smell from the mouth and from the skin, it is caused by the processing of allicin, but there are ways to solve the problem at home.

Ordinary toothpaste or mouthwash will not help. . After a meal, you can drink a glass of fat milk, thus it will be possible to neutralize the effects of allicin. After a meal that included garlic, it is permissible to drink something with polyphenols, the latter rich green tea, known for its tonic and soothing qualities.

Chewing gum will not be a salvation either, it will only mask the stench. Instead of “gum”, it is better to chew parsley greens, some other plants are also suitable, for example, mint, celery, lettuce and cloves.

The latter effectively removes odor due to the resistance of allicin and helps to resist inflammatory processes in the oral cavity . Apples will also be the optimal solution, they are rich in enzymes, against the background of which the unpleasant aroma from garlic will quickly dissolve, one fruit is enough. Lemon juice will be a salvation due to high acidity.

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Author: alex

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